Fees & Payment Policy

All forms of payment are accepted. Most clients have some form of extended health coverage for psychotherapy or assessment services—clients should check with their plans for specific details of their coverage. Most clients are expected to pay directly for psychotherapy and/or the cost of psychological assessment services and seek reimbursement from their insurance plans. In some cases, direct billing is possible.

Cost of Psychological Assessment Services

Psychoeducational Assessments

The cost of a psychoeducational evaluation is currently $3,500. This cost includes the clinical interview, all face-to-face testing, scoring, interpretation, report writing, and the feedback session. Approximately half of the cost of the evaluation is payable at the commencement of the assessment with the balance due upon the delivery of the report at the feedback session. Reports will not be released without complete payment.

ADHD Assessments

The cost of an ADHD assessment is currently $1,650.00. This is benchmarked to 7.5 hours of clinical time which includes the clinical interview, face-to-face assessment, scoring, interpretation, report writing, and a feedback session. Approximately half of the cost of the evaluation is payable at the commencement of the assessment with the balance due upon the delivery of the report at the feedback session. Reports will not be released without complete payment.

Autism Assessments

The cost of an autism assessment for children under age 6 is $3,000. For children over 6 it is $2,550. The price difference is due to additional components for children under 6, as required by the BC Autism Assessment Network. These components are IQ testing, adaptive assessment, and review and integration of speech-language and paediatrician findings into the psychological report. Children over 6 do not require IQ and adaptive assessments or SLP and paediatrician assessments. The lower cost therefore reflects lower time requirements for assessing children over age 6.

Psychological Evaluations

The cost of a psychological evaluation depends on the amount of testing involved and the purpose of the evaluation. Please contact Dr. Kwee to discuss your need or request further information.

Psychotherapy Services

Psychotherapy services are billed at $220 per 50 minute session. Fees are payable upon receipt of services.