Feedback amplifier pdf in hindi

There are four types of feedback topology

  1. Current series feedback amplifier
  2. Voltage series feedback amplifier
  3. Current shunt feedback amplifier
  4. Voltage shunt feedback amplifier

Let’s discuss each of the feedback amplifiers briefly

Current series feedback amplifier

Current series feedback amplifier

Voltage series feedback amplifier

Voltage series feedback amplifier

Current shunt feedback amplifier

Current shunt feedback amplifier

Voltage shunt feedback amplifier

Voltage shunt feedback amplifier

Advantages and Disadvantages of Feedback Amplifier

The followings are the advantages and disadvantages of feedback amplifiers



Application of Feedback Amplifier

The following are the applications of feedback amplifiers

Concept of Feedback

A feedback amplifier uses feedback from the output of the amplifier back to the input to enhance its performance. This feedback is achieved through a feedback loop and it can be either positive or negative.

Lets discuss each block of feedback amplier:

Sampling networks are of two types: current sampling network and voltage sampling network.

Gain Stability Relation

The gain of a feedback amplifier is defined as the ratio of output voltage with respect to the input voltage of a circuit.

The gain stability of a feedback amplifier refers to the ability of the amplifier to maintain a constant gain irrespective of the changes in the operating conditions.

For an ideal system of a feedback amplifier, the gain of an amplifier is always infinite.

For a smaller input signal, the value of output signal is much higher. Hence a large value of the gain is not desirable in the required circuit.

The system only becomes stable when the value of gain is much smaller by employing a negative feedback into the loop.

For a negative feedback amplifier,

The loog gain margin can be mathematically expressed as,

A = open loop gain of the amplifier

\(\beta \) is the feedback gain factor.

Unity Feedback system

Unity feedback is a type of feedback in a feedback amplifier system, where the output feedback is fed to the input signal with a gain of 1.

Refer to the image above,

According to the definition,

The gain of feedback = 1, hence,

For a positive feedback amplifier,

For a negative feedback amplifier,

Negative feedback gain provides a much better value for the unit feedback system.

Summary of Feedback Amplifiers

Summarizing the concept of feedback amplifiers in the following points:

It is a voltage-controlled voltage source type of amplifier (VCVS).

The formula for input impedance: \(r_i(1+A\beta )\)

The formula for output impedance: \(\frac<(1+A\beta )>\)

\(r_i\ \&\ r_o\) are the input and output resistances.

A = open loop gain of the amplifier

\(\beta \) is the feedback gain factor.

It is a current-controlled current source type of amplifier.

The formula for input impedance: \(\frac<(1+A\beta )>\)

The formula for output impedance: \(r_o(1+A\beta )\)

The formula input impedance: \(r_i(1+A\beta )\)

The formula output impedance: \(r_o(1+A\beta )\)

The formula input impedance: \(\frac\)

The formula output impedance: \(\frac\)

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