Defining relative clauses

Defining relative clauses say which or what kind of person or thing
Defining relative clauses give information about nouns. Have you read the message (that) I sent you yesterday? This example contains information about the noun message. She was talking to some people (who) she . Read more

Sentence pairs: where - when

Twelve sentence pairs - one correct, one incorrect - containing relative clauses relating to places and times

Crossword - relative clauses for places and times

Split crossword. Students make clues using relative clauses. The words are all either places or times.

Christmas defining relative clauses quiz

Students make questions using defining relative clauses (What do you call the day that comes after Christmas Day etc.) from prompts (answers given). Play in teams or pairs. Five questions each.

Defining relative clauses practice

Ss make definitions of words connected with education. (Substitutes the rather UK-centric activity # 3 on page 44 of Inside Out Intermediate student's book)

Defining relative clauses

(1) Analysis: different ways of adding information to nouns - adjectives, compound nouns, relative clauses. (2) Exercise: join two sentences together using relative clauses.

Defining relative clauses - assembly
Ss reassemble definitions and match them to headwords.
Defining relative clauses - relative pronouns exercise

Two sets of headwords and definitions jumbled and relative pronouns gapped. Students match the definitions to the headwords and fill in the relative pronouns. They can then read out the defintions to another group who have to guess the headword.

Defining relative clauses with where and when
Reference notes, analysis and examples
Sentences for completion

Ten sentence prompts on the pattern: _________ is a city that/which/where/when/whose/who/why __________ . Students complete and then give headwords to partner who has to guess the defining sentence

Sentences for completion II

six sentence prompts on the pattern: _________ is a person that/which/where/when/whose/who/why __________ . Students complete and then give headwords to partner who has to guess the defining sentence.

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Relative pronouns exercise
Ten-question multiple-choice exercise on relative pronouns including where, when, in which and what and omission of pronoun. Feedback with explanations.

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Defining relative clauses quiz
Ten-question multiple-choice quiz that tests choice of pronoun, when pronouns can be omitted and the correct use of where in relative clauses. Intermediate level.

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Defining relative clauses : word order exercise 1
Arrange the words and phrses in the correct order to make a sentence.

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Defining relative clauses : word order exercise 2
Arrange the words and phrses in the correct order to make a sentence.

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Material from other sources

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Relative pronouns quiz
Tests knowledge of both defining and non-defining relative clauses

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Relative pronouns - long quiz

Inside Out Student

Unit 5 Kids Pages 44 - 46
Reading: children's definitions of 'a mother'. Listening: children defining various things. Sentence completion exercises. Find someone who. game. Definition auction : Teams bid for true defintions.

Unit 8 Review 1 Page 70

Inside Out Student

Unit 11 Sell Pages 102 - 103
Unit 14 Review 2 Page 133

New Cutting Edge Upper Intermediate students

Module 7 Big events Pages 76 - 77 Language focus 1: relative clauses
Three texts about celebrations in different countries gapped for defining and non-defining relative clauses Follow-up exercise for speaking (pairwork) Combination exercise (Combining information to make sentences with non-defining relative clauses)

Module 7 Big events Page 83
Consolidation modules 5 - 8 Page 95

Grammar Activities Two - Upper Intermediate book cover

56 Defining relative clauses Page 56
Various texts containing some definitions.
2 - Whatsitsname? Page 2
Descibing objects from pictures: A thing for . ing A thing that does. etc.

4 - Relatively speaking Page 4
Card game with pictures. Ss make defintions of objects in pictures and others guess the object.

7 - Whose Page 7
Ss complete questionnaires as follows: . is a student whose brother. etc.

Play Games with English Book Two book cover

Word Bluff page 25 Page 25
Ss match word with correct definition (choice of three). Set of eight.

Developing Grammar in Context book cover

Developing Grammar in Context 21 Defining relative clauses Pages 119 - 124

Reward Intermediate Resource Pack book cover

27 Holiday crossword Page 27
Ss write crossword clues using defining relative clauses. Subject : holidays and travel.

Reward Pre-Intermediate Resource Pack book cover

24 True and false indentifications Page 24
Very simple 'Call my Bluff' type activity. Teams of 2 have to choose 1 correct definition from 3

25 Stuff and things Page 25
Split crossword - everyday objects

Reward Upper-intermediate Resource Pack book cover

14a & b Give me a clue Page 14
Ss make crossword definitions for half a crossword, then swap with another group. Subjects : people, places, objects

13 - 16a My kind of people Pages 13 - 16
Ss complete sentences from prompts (I am attracted to people who. etc.) Sentences are redistributed and Ss mill to find who wrote the sentence.